positive discrimination

美 [ˌpɑːzətɪv dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn]英 [ˌpɒzətɪv dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn]
  • n.积极区别对待政策(对因种族、性别等原因遭歧视的群体在就业等方面给予特别照顾)
positive discriminationpositive discrimination


the practice or policy of making sure that a particular number of jobs, etc. are given to people from groups that are often treated unfairly because of their race, sex, etc.

also reverse discrimination NAmE BrE
also affirmative action NAmE BrE

positive discrimination


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT (对女性、少数种族和残疾人等的)积极区别对待,积极差别待遇
    Positive discrimination means making sure that people such as women, members of smaller racial groups, and disabled people get a fair share of the opportunities available.

    Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country's public sector, as a form of positive discrimination.


  1. Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country 's public sector , as a form of positive discrimination .


  2. Positive discrimination for mother tongue teaching schools


  3. The government does not have positive discrimination programmes in place but these only really help those that get away and have a little impact on people left behind .


  4. Malaysia has used positive discrimination policies since the 1970s to close the gap between the indigenous Malay majority and the economically dominant Chinese .


  5. Isabel oswell , head of business marketing , denies that the library is encouraging positive discrimination to the detriment of other people .


  6. Reverse discrimination BR and aus also positive discrimination is when an advantage is given to people who are typically thought to be treated unfairly , usually because of their race or sex .


  7. The first is whether you have benefited from unofficial positive discrimination . As most schools are ashamed of how rotten they are at attracting women , it is possible that you did .


  8. As a female MBA student , I get a strong sense that some male classmates presume I have benefited from unofficial positive discrimination and do not deserve to be there as much as them .


  9. And what I find truly striking is just how little this system is openly discussed , particularly compared to the whole issue of " positive discrimination " ( or the idea of awarding places proactively on the basis of race , say , which has sparked a storm of discussion in America in recent days ) .


  10. Cameron : HIV detection problem has always been a dilemma , it may give people the results are positive about the social discrimination .
